Exercise Daily
Children need to get at least 60 minutes of activity everyday. Whether it is playing sports, simple calisthenics, or going on a family walk, adults need to get their children up and moving. The American Heart Association (AHA), is now reporting that 25 million children and adolescents (age 2-19) in the United States are overweight or obese - that's nearly 1 in 3 American children. Teach children the value of leading a healthy lifestyle!
The AHA also reports "Most obese children already have at least one other major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, such as high blood cholesterol, high triglycerides, high insulin or high blood pressure."
Use the Exercise US program as a motivational tool to help your children start exercising on a daily basis!
Exercise US

Why participate in the Exercise US event?
According to The President's Council On Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (PCFSN), "Moderate daily physical activity can reduce substantially the risk of developing or dying from cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers, such as colon cancer. Daily physical activity helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, helps prevent or retard osteoporosis, and helps reduce obesity, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and symptoms of arthritis."
The American College Of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently sent out a press release that suggests "children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 engage in 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day, including aerobic, muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening exercises." Promoting physical activity is the start of getting children healthier.
The 15 minutes the children participate in the Exercise US program may not change their lives, but may be the start of a good habit that will help them lead a healthy lifestyle!